
Sep 07, 2017

Book Reading: Lytton Smith’s Translation of Icelandic Epic Tómas Jónsson, Bestseller

Immediately following The Write Stuff literature discussion by Eliza Reid, join in the live recording of Chad Post’s Two Month Review podcast as it dives into the classic Icelandic epic, “Tómas Jónsson, Bestseller”, by Guðbergur Bergsson. Featuring a reading from renowned Icelandic translator, Lytton Smith, the live recording will cover the last section of the book many consider to be the “Icelandic Ulysses.”

This recording of the Two Month Review is the culmination of a season long analysis of Bergsson’s work, with each episode meticulously dissecting, discussing and appreciating “Tómas Jónsson, Bestseller “section by section and page by page. With rotating guests that include famous authors, booksellers, translators, and other readers, the podcast is perfect for anyone interested in plumbing the depths of this fascinating novel about the dangers of nationalism, chamber pots, and death.
