Music & Art Jun 30, 2014

Watch Videos From the Conference on Gender Equality in Iceland and the U.S.

The successful conference was held at the Scandinavia House in New York City last month.

For five consecutive years Iceland has been ranked as the world’s most advanced nation in terms of gender equality, as measured by the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Index. The island nation has progressed steadily in the index’s four areas: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment, closing its combined gender gap by 87 percent.

On May 1, a free conference on gender equality took place at the Scandinavia House in New York City. Hosted by The Icelandic-American Chamber of Commerce and the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the American Scandinavian Foundation, the conference, titled Learning from Each Other: Gender Equality in Iceland and the U.S. looked at what works in reducing educational and economic disparities between men and women.

The event was a huge success, and you can now watch videos from some of the panel discussions and presentations from the event.  The first video includes Includes welcoming remarks from Jón Sigurðsson, Chairman IACC, President and CEO, Össur, opening remarks from Nancy Ploeger, President, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce and a talk by Kristín Ástgeirsdóttir, Director, The Centre for Gender Equality, Iceland.

Other notable speakers include Deborah Gillis, President & Chief Executive Officer, Catalyst NYC, Lisa Kassenaar, Editor at Large, Global Women’s Coverage, Bloomberg, and Guðbjörg Glóð Logadóttir, Founder and CEO, Fylgifiskar and closing remarks by the President of Iceland, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.

Click here to watch videos from the conference!

