Nature & Environment Mar 02, 2015

The Volcanic Eruption at Holuhraun Has Officially Ended

The Bardarbunga volcano, which had been constantly erupting for six months, has stopped.

As of Saturday, February 28, the eruption at Holuhraun, which began August 31, 2014, ended. Over the past six months, the volcano has been constantly erupting, creating a fiery lava field the size Manhattan, splitting the ground and covering the typically snowy and icy Icelandic scenery. Click here to see some spectacular photos featuring the red-hot lava and magma contrasting with the surrounding icy terrain.

The Scientific Advisory Board of the Icelandic Civil Protection came to this conclusion based on the latest evidence in the eruption area. The area will continue to be closely monitored in case of further developments or changes in volcanic activity. No changes have been made to the restricted area north of Vatnajokull. Gas contamination is still being detected.

Civil Protection authorities are still operating in alert phase although the Aviation Colour Code for Bardarbunga has been downgraded from orange to yellow, according to The Icelandic Met Office.

The next meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Icelandic Civil Protection will be held on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. Further information can be found at the Civil Protection Authorities website.


