Music & Art Jan 13, 2021

Tune in to Our Future Stories Series from the UN75!

Seven Nordic playwrights come together in conversation about the future of performance, storytelling and community amid the pandemic.

While theaters have been dim for the most part of 2020, live performances entered a new stage: the virtual space. As theaters around the world were forced to close their doors, the conversation about how to produce plays without a physical stage and live audiences began. How does it feel to write and produce plays in 2020? What stories are relevant?

In Our Future Stories, seven playwrights—one from each Nordic country—reflect on how the pandemic and the social justice movements of 2020 have, and will, impact Nordic theater and the future stories we’ll tell on stage. Playwrights include: Julie Maj Jakobsen (Denmark), Marjun Syderbø Kjelnæs (Faroe Islands), Saaramaria Kuittinen (Finland), Vivi Sørensen (Greenland), Eva Rún Snorradóttir (Iceland), Camara Joof (Norway), and Balsam Karam (Sweden). As this year comes to a close, the Scandinavian American Theater Company (SATC) is looking ahead to the future with short, commissioned audio experiences.

Our Future Stories is a part of #UN75, the world’s largest conversation on our collective future, an initiative of the United Nations Secretary General. Tune in to SATC’s website to the premiere of the first piece on December 30th and hear playwrights join this global conversation by writing about the future they envision, and how the pandemic has and will impact their storytelling, their community and their Nordic country.

Icelandic playwright Eva Rún Snorradóttir’s piece, Search for Connection, is featured in the series. Since 2009, Snorradóttir has worked with the extended life performance group Kviss búmm bang to research reality and to encourage audiences to question their everyday realities. In Search for Connection, Snorradóttir takes the pulse on loneliness in her hometown of Reykjavík, Iceland: strangers share how their loss of connection has impacted their lives—and also their hopes for the future. Check out the piece on the Scandinavian American Theatre Company website!

Be sure to check the website every Wednesday through February 10th, 2021 for the pieces to be released each week! 

Planning to tune in? Join the conversation on Twitter or in the comments below! 

