Products & Services Aug 12, 2016

Travel Back In Time With a Stay at Iceland’s Wilderness Center

Stay in a traditional Icelandic home and enjoy authentic Icelandic meals.

You won’t find any clocks on the walls at one of Iceland’s newest destinations, the Wilderness Center. Located in East Iceland, off the southern tip of Lagarfljót lake, the newly-opened center is a family venture showcasing the best of life in the Icelandic highlands. Enjoy authentic accommodations, local food and tours through the beautiful highland countryside.  

Step outside the city and head back in time with the center’s traditional rooms, which have been recreated to feel like sleeping quarters from a nineteenth-century Icelandic home. During your stay, you will want to try the customary, Icelandic home-cooked meals served daily and made with locally sourced ingredients.

Work off one of your delicious meals with one of the center’s many tours. Hiking, walking or horseback tours are available so you can explore the highlands in traditional fashion. If you’re looking to learn some more about Icelandic history, the highlands and the Wilderness Center, visit the new exhibition located directly in the building.

Interested in learning more about the Wilderness Center or booking your next stay? Find more information here.

