Nature & Environment Mar 02, 2021

Thingvellir National Park Opens New Facilities!

See all the new ways to explore and hike the popular destination.

Thingvellir, one of Iceland’s most famous national parks, is bringing new ways for visitors to explore its beauty and geology. Now, visitors can enjoy a picturesque landscape from a new viewing platform in the eastern part of the national park by Hrafnagjá and a new archeology path full of rich history.

Viewing Platform at Hrafnagjá

The new platform, opened in 2020, gives visitors a stunning look of the beauty and geology of the park. Located at Hrafnagjá, the eastern boundary of Thingvellir rift valley, the platform gives way to a unique perspective over the Almannagjá fault to the west and the stunning Öxarárfoss waterfall.

Archeology Path

A new path has been established where visitors can enjoy a walkway full of archeological remains, including old residences. Along the path, hikers will find new information signs that explain the area’s rich history and how Thingvellir set the scene for many traditional Icelandic sagas. 

In recent years, Thingvellir has been hard at work introducing new improvements to the park to accommodate and delight all visitors. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the national park’s projects were put on hold, but the park was fortunately able to complete these tasks during the decrease in tourism. Now, the park hopes that when tourists can travel again, they will be able to enjoy new and better infrastructure.

Have you been to Thingvellir before or planning to visit safely in the future? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter

