Food & Drink Nov 29, 2016

Skál! Icelandic Beverages Continue to Receive Praise on the International Scene

Brennivin and Borg Brugghús were honored this month with glowing accolades.

Icelandic beverages have a lot to celebrate this month with Brennivin and Borg Brugghús both being recognized by the international community. A growing favorite among aquavit lovers, Brennivin received a glowing review from Wine Enthusiast for its limited-edition “winter aquavit.” The review declared Brennivin an “excellent sipping spirit, exploding with vanilla and fresh pear sweetness.” Check where to find Brennivin in North America here.  

It’s been a very big month for Borg Brugghús too! The Icelandic brewers were awarded a gold star for Surtur nr.30 and a bronze star for Gréta nr.27 in the Baltic Porter category at the European Beer Star 2016 in Nurnberg, Germany. One of the most prestigious beer competitions in the world, European Beer Star 2016 featured 2,103 beers from 44 countries. Earlier in the month, Borg Brugghús picked up another award for its baltic porter Gréta Nr.27, but this time in the beer hub of Belgium at the Brussels Beer Challenge.

What Icelandic beverage is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us at @IcelandNatural.

