Business & Government May 19, 2020

Read about Isavia’s Environmental Improvements in their 2019 Annual Report!

The company released their climate report in May 2020.

Isavia, Iceland’s national airport and air navigation service provider, recently published its climate report as part of its 2019 Annual Report that details how the Keflavik International Airport is making advancements to protect the environment. The report includes four parts; environmental issues, climate, acoustics and recycling – all discussing the different steps Isavia has taken to support the environment throughout 2019. Check out some of the top highlights from the impressive report below, including how Isavia’s fuel consumption dropped significantly from last year – about 25%!

Environmental Issues

Isavia consistently works to find new ways to reduce their impact on the environment. At the end of 2019, an action plan in environmental and climate issues was revised and updated to ensure higher environmental standards. This plan set out various measures aimed to reduce the negative environmental impact of the company’s operations. The plan focuses on the renewal of the company’s fleet of vehicles toward more environmentally-friendly vehicles, increased waste sorting, the development of infrastructure for environmentally friendly vehicles and carbon off-setting. You can learn more about each of these initiatives and see how they were enacted in 2019 here.


Isavia’s fuel consumption dropped about 25% from 2018! Isavia is set to further reduce carbon emissions by 2030, and is already working toward that goal according to their action plan.


Isavia has taken various measures to mitigate noise from flights at Keflavík International Airport, Iceland’s most prominent airport. The company worked to reroute air traffic during high fly times to minimize noise complaints. When organizing air traffic, Keflavík Airport has implemented specific runways to mitigate noise for residents that live in close proximity to the airport.


The total waste volume for Isavia in 2019 was less than both 2018 and 2017. Isavia’s recycling percentage in 2019 was 41%, far surpassing their goal of 35% by year’s end. This was accomplished through a project that raised awareness of food waste through educational material on the company’s intraweb, messages on refrigerators and coffee-break rooms.

Be sure to check out the full report from Isavia here and take a look at our #INRespectsTheEnvironment Campaign (plus – enter to win a fun prize pack)! In this giveaway, we will continue to highlight how Icelandic companies are consistently embarking on innovative initiatives to help protect the environment throughout the month. You can learn more and enter for your chance to win a sustainability prize pack here. Let us know if you entered in the comments below!

