Nature & Environment Jun 10, 2015

Our Favorite Iceland Submissions from the National Geographic Photo Contest

Iceland’s majestic scenery is a favorite subject for many of this year’s photographers.

National Geographic holds an annual Traveler Photography Contest, and this year a number of submissions were taken in Iceland! We’ve selected a few of our favorites below (Buzzfeed liked them too!).

The above photo was taken by photographer Ed Graham, who says, “I had a tripod set up on Godafoss waterfall in Iceland last month. I used a 10-stop ND filter to capture the movement of the water as the sun set in the distance.” The results are more than lovely – it looks like heaven on earth! The waterfall can be found on river Skjálfandafljót in Northeast Iceland. Godafoss, which translates to “waterfall of the gods,” gets its name from the story of Þorgeir Þorkelsson, a priest of the old Norse gods who decided all of Iceland should convert to Christianity, and in symbolizing this conversion, he threw the old gods into the falls.

