Music & Art Jan 14, 2019

The Most Unique Art Exhibits in Iceland in 2019

Check out these must-see art exhibits in Iceland this year

The art scene in Iceland is ramping up for another exciting year! 2019 will bring even richer and more exciting opportunities to explore Iceland’s booming art industry. Below are a few of the highlights coming up in the art world starting this month!

Árni Már Erlingsson- More waves, fewer centuries.

In recent years, Arni has taken a noticeable interest in the sea, which has inspired many of his most recent pieces of artwork. Among the works in the exhibition are paintings, prints and tools that Árni has put together. Árni is one of the founders of Gallery Port, which opened at the end of March 2016 and he was also one of the founders of Festisvall, a collective that stretched its way to Germany and the Netherlands.

This exhibit is open at the Einarsstofa Museum in Iceland’s Westman Islands and runs until January 28th.


Sýningaropnun- Oh, So Quiet

This exhibit is open until March 31st at the Gerðarsafn Kópavogur Art Museum. It consists of film, sound and video works by both Icelandic and international contemporary artists. The works are different in style and subject, they are characterized by a balanced calm and profound serenity, as the exhibition title suggests.

The focal point of the exhibition revolves around the relationship between music and film in contemporary art. Whether the works include music, song, reading or sound, their tone contains a play on language, speech and listening. The artists create sound installations which are presented as a space for experience, music as they look at it, the distant sound of a song or unbearable noise. Other works are based on a manuscript of an abstract audio-visual piece.


Ásmundur Sveinsson: Under the Same Sky

This exhibit will be open from January 19th to December 31st this year at the Reykjavik Art Museum. The exhibit consists of a sculpture garden and an indoor exhibit that are dedicated to work by artist, Ásmundur Sveinsson. The pieces in the exhibition are more meditative in comparison to the outdoor sculptures: smaller in scale, made of different materials and three-dimensional.

Throughout the year, work by five artists will be featured at separate times in the exhibition “Under the Same Sky” together with Ásmundur Sveinsson. The artists are Sigurður Guðmundsson, Brynhildur Þorgeirsdóttir, Jóhann Eyfells, Helgi Gíslason and Ólöf Nordal.

Explore more of the upcoming artist exhibits here, and be sure to tell us which exhibit excites you most in the comments below or on Twitter!

