Nature & Environment Dec 31, 2020

Landsvirkjun Recognized as Leader in Climate Change Action

Learn about the national power company’s vision for a sustainable future

Iceland’s national power company, Landsvirkjun, has been recognized as a leading company in the worldwide battle against climate change by CDP, a non-profit that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. Landsvirkun was one of 50 energy companies given an A- or A rating. 

Each year, thousands of companies submit information to the CDP. This year’s average grade for the ‘company category’ was a C, and the average score for renewable energy companies was a B. 

Landsvirkjun envisions a future sustainable world powered by renewable energy, recognizing that energy matters are climate matters. They recognize that two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions can be traced to energy production and, as a result, they remain active in the fight against climate change. Landsvirkjun’s strategy prioritizes climate issues and integrates climate change goals at all levels of the company, ensuring a holistic approach to their sustainable initiatives. Their action plan consists of clear carbon reduction targets, and have implemented internal carbon prices to help them achieve their goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2025.  

Interested in learning more about Landsvirkjun’s commitment to sustainability? Check out their website and join the conversation in the comments below!

