Nature & Environment Jul 22, 2020

Landsvirkjun Joins New Sustainability Collaborative, Orkídea!

A new green-energy collaborative project seeks to expand sustainability to more industries in the South of Iceland.

The Orkídea Project, a sustainability-focused collaborative, launched in the South of Iceland! The collaborative is an agreement between National Power Company, Landsvirkjun, the Association of Local Authorities in South Iceland, the Agricultural University of Iceland, and the Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture. Its name, Orkídea, symbolizes the juncture of green energy, orka in Icelandic, and new ideas. 

The collaborative’s mission is to create new opportunities for energy-related projects within food production, biotechnology, resource management, start-up initiatives, and other industries in the South of Iceland.

The Orkídea Project is particularly interested in increasing the value of the food production industry by expanding sustainability efforts such as incorporating the use of green energy. The project aims to promote innovation and research within food production to meet current demands and remain competitive in the international market. 

The South of Iceland, in particular, is ripe with emerging innovation and diverse employment opportunities. It is also rich in natural resources and features a vibrant food production industry, making it the perfect location for The Orkídea Project’s main office. The area shrunk its carbon footprint in recent years as a result of improved environmental awareness and altered consumption patterns. Orkídea will work with local producers to incorporate green energy, increasing the efficiency of the food production industry in the South of Iceland and contributing to a lower carbon footprint in the future.

For many years, Iceland has been recognized for its sustainability and use of natural resources. In these uncertain times, Landsvirkjun’s Deputy CEO Kristín Linda Árnadóttir says it is especially important to continue to explore new possibilities and support innovation that benefits the environment. The Orkídea project will do just that, making strides to incorporate green energy in existing industries and promoting future innovation.

For more updates on The Orkídea Project, be sure to follow Landsvirkjun on Twitter!

