Business & Government Feb 25, 2016

Inspired By Iceland Launches New “Iceland Academy” to Educate Tourists

The new initiative aims to teach tourists Icelandic basics before they arrive.

Today, Inspired By Iceland launched the Iceland Academy, an online tool designed to create more informed tourists. The Academy is a series of online classes with optional tests at the conclusion of each; those who pass the tests will earn badges and can enter to win a “graduation trip” to Iceland.

Tourism to Iceland is rapidly rising as more and more discover the country’s beautiful scenery and unique culture. The rise in visitors has prompted the need to educate tourists who may not be aware of Icelandic customs. Additionally, as the amount of tourists continues to increase, so does the need to show them  how to properly interact with the country’s one-of-a-kind environment.

“The majority of tourists want to experience nature, and we know that Icelandic nature must be treated with respect and care,” says Inga Hlin Palsdottir from Promote Iceland. “We believe that if the traveller is better informed of conditions ahead of time, he or she will get more out of the trip and leave the country happier.”

The first five classes and quizzes are now available on Inspired’s website. Participants who take a test for every class will be entered to win a “graduation trip” to Iceland where they can put their new skills to use. Topics covered range from safety to cultural awareness and include:

Get a taste for these lessons by checking out the videos below on Responsible Traveling in Iceland and Staying Safe in Iceland


Will you take part in the Iceland Academy? Let us know in the comments below or by tweeting @IcelandNatural! You can follow Promote Iceland on Facebook and Twitter or join in their conversations with #IcelandAcademy.

