Products & Services Jul 03, 2013

Iceland’s Tourist of the Year Contest: Win a Trip for Two to Iceland!

Best travel story wins Iceland trip courtesy of Inspired by Iceland, The Reykjavik Grapevine, and Icelandair.

Tell us why you should be Iceland’s Tourist of the Year!

Inspired by Iceland and The Reykjavik Grapevine are offering the chance for you and a friend to relive your adventure with a trip for two to Iceland, featuring air travel and accommodations by Icelandair! If you’ve visited Iceland within the past year, this is your chance to submit your funniest, most moving, or otherwise coolest story from the trip and prove why you deserve to be Iceland’s Tourist of the Year.

The contest was inspired in 2012, when a tourist to the country was mistakenly reported as missing. Not recognizing her own description, she joined the very search party that was looking for her, and only many hours later did it occur to her that she was the missing woman.

Newspapers around the world jumped at the chance to make jokes, (“Tourist in Iceland Spends Weekend ‘Finding Herself’”) but you don’t have to be in the international spotlight to claim the title—just submit a story that provokes a smile or a laugh. If you’re not sure what to write, check out some of the other submissions here.


Rules and Regulations:

1.)  Qualify by having visited Iceland within the past 365 days.

2.)  Submit the best story and a photo from your Iceland trip here by December 31, 2013.

View full terms and conditions here, and click here to submit your story.

Good luck!

