Literature Mar 26, 2020

The Icelandic Literature Center’s “Books From Iceland” List is Out Now!

The list includes top works across several genres and translated titles.

The Icelandic Literature Center promotes Icelandic literary work throughout the country and across the globe. Each year, the Center’s literary advisors release “Books from Iceland,” a list of Icelandic titles published in the last year. The booklet includes fiction, non-fiction, children’s books and young adult novels, as well as an overview of the previous year’s literary awards and nominations. 

The Center also works with foreign publishers to translate the works into the languages of those markets, and receives copies that are available at the National Library of Iceland. A list of these titles is included in “Books from Iceland,” which is distributed at international literary events and festivals, including those in the UK, Germany, and Sweden. 

Take a look at some of the translated titles below, and be sure to check out “Books From Iceland 2020” here

Have you enjoyed any Icelandic literature? Let us know your favorite in the comments below!

