Food & Drink News Oct 25, 2017

Icelandic Glacial Donates Water Relief to Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands

Iceland’s premium water is teaming up with Cher and the Stiller Foundation to donate over 600,000 water bottles to those affected by Hurricane Maria.

Considered one of the worst category 4 hurricanes in history, Hurricane Maria has taken a catastrophic toll on the islands in the Caribbean. Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are now left in devastating states without food, power, and water. In response to this tragic natural disaster, Icelandic Glacial is stepping up to help. The company is partnering with Cher and Ben Stiller’s Stiller Foundation to donate over 600,000 water bottles to victims of the hurricane with the help of Save the Children.

This marks the second time Icelandic Glacial and Cher have teamed up to provide fast relief in the wake of a crisis. In January 2016, Icelandic Glacial and Cher were some of the first responders to the water emergency crisis in Flint, Michigan. Ben Stiller was also looking for ways to help Michigan residents affected by the disaster when he was connected with Cher and Icelandic Glacial. Icelandic Glacial has a long tradition of providing water where it is needed; in 2010 they were one of the first companies to donate water to the Haiti relief and in May 2016 they sent water to 40,000 water bottles to victims of Canada’s Fort McMurray fire disaster.

“This tragedy has had a devastating impact on the communities, and water is one of the most basic needs to get everyone back on their feet,” said Jon Olafsson, Chairman and Co-Founder of Icelandic Glacial. CEO Reza Mirza added, “With the assistance of Ben and Cher and the incredible reach of their voices, we hope that our water will not only reach the families in need, but also raise awareness for continued support from around the country.”

If you’d like to help or donate to the disaster relief fund, you can visit the Save the Children’s donation page. You can also check out some of the Stiller Foundation’s Haiti Initiatives here.

