Music & Art Apr 26, 2019

Icelandic Artist, Shoplifter, Represents Iceland at International Art Competition

Shoplifter will showcase her newest art at the 58th Venice Biennale 2019 Art Exhibition.

One of Iceland’s most notable artists, Hrafnhildur Arnardóttir, also known as Shoplifter, will represent Iceland at the 58th International Art Exhibition at the Venice Biennale 2019 event! The art show invites artists from around the world to showcase their work and compete for prestigious awards.

Shoplifter is a New York-based Icelandic artist who dedicates her artwork to the exploration of hair and its symbolic nature, while challenging its visual and artistic potential. At the Venice Biennale, she will present a large-scale installation titled Chromo Sapiens accompanied by specially commissioned sound work from Icelandic metal band, HAM. The Icelandic Pavilion, where Shoplifter’s work will be presented, will be curated by Birta Guðjónsdóttir. The nearly half-year long event takes place from May 11 to November 24.

About Shoplifter

For the past 15 years, Shoplifter has experimented with both natural and synthetic hair. Each of her pieces, ranging from murals, sculptures, and installations, are created by various techniques she’s learned over the years, such as knitting, weaving, and braiding. Alongside her materials and unique creations, she likes to mix in her sense of humor. While her pieces are always beautiful, often mimicking nature, the material is something people would normally find grotesque.

About Venice Biennale

The Venice Biennale arts organization is one of the most prestigious cultural institutions in the world. Since 1895, they have showcased international artists, promoted artistic trends, and organized international events. Their most famous being the International Film Festival and the International Art Exhibition. This year, 79 artists from all around the world will be competing in the International Art Exhibition. A full list of all this years participants can be found here.

Have you seen Shoplifter’s work in person? Tell us about it in the comments below or by tweeting us @IcelandNatural!

