Music & Art Dec 31, 2017

Icelandic Art Center New Events and Exhibits Coming This January

Keep an eye out for these events and exhibitions put on by the Icelandic Art Center this month!

The Icelandic Art Center puts on many exciting events and exhibits at venues throughout Iceland year round. These exhibits feature artists local and foreign to Iceland. Take a look at some exhibits currently on display and which are coming soon in January! 

When: Until February 4th, 2018

Who: Anna Hallin, Claudia Hausfeld, Jeannette Castioni, Joris Rademaker, Rebecca Erin Moran, Sari Cedergren and Theresa Himmer

WhereReykjavik Art Museum

What: The Greater Iceland exhibit includes international artists who have settled in Iceland for a duration of time. The exhibit lives on the pretense that the artists’ works have ideas to tell about themselves and the communities they inhabit. 

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When: Until February 4, 2018

Who: Ange Leccia

WhereThe National Gallery of Iceland

What: Ange’s La Mer exhibit encompasses the impact that his work in cinematography has left on the expansion of video as a medium in French contemporary art. La Mer is his best known work and showcases his hometown of Corsica and the sea, which he repeatedly films always using new technology.

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When: Until February 4, 2018

Who: Claudia Hausfeld, Elísabet Brynhildardóttir, Eva Ísleifsdóttir, and Sindri Leifsson

WhereSkaftfell gallery

What: The group’s The Thing Is exhibit explores objecthood in a plethora of ways. The title of the exhibition implies the beginning of a conversation, explanation, and statement on the way of things, objects, or conditions.

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When: Until May 1, 2018

Who: Erró

WhereReykjavik Art Museum

What: Erró’s More is Beautiful exhibit revolves around his main themes of excess and density. His collection, consisting of paintings, collages, and movies, showcases his intricate and charged structures which communicate materials related to politics, science, fiction, and art history.

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When: Until June 15, 2018

Who: Theresa Himmer

WhereGallery Sign

What: Theresa’s Perfect Continuum exhibit revolves around the words “It will have been here,” representing the allusion to the duration of a place. The exhibit is installed during the darkest time of year, when the letters are only visible through contrast to its surrounding darkness. The artist and architect’s work includes photography, single-channel video, and installations in public space.

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When: Until January 6th, 2018

Who: Steingrímur Eyfjörð

Where: Hverfisgallerí

What: Steingrímur Eyfjörð’s Pareidolia exhibit

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When: Until January 14, 2018

Who: Mina Tomic and Kobi Suissa

WhereKling & Bang

WhatMina’s work focuses on physical experience extracting action into dialogue, which she passes on to her environments and language. Kobi’s art focuses on body researches in the mediums of paint, sculpture and video. 

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When: Until January 14, 2018

Who: Kristbergur Pétursson

WhereGerðuberg Culture House

What: Kristbergur Pétursson’s oil paintings exhibit consists of written work, drawings, graphics, and oil paintings. Kristbergur’s work summarizes very opposite approaches, along with the fastest method of writing and many rounds of paint.

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When: Until January 21, 2018

Who: Asger Jorn

WhereThe National Gallery of Iceland

What: In the late Asger Jorn’s Comparative Vandalism exhibit, Jorn’s time spent in the summer of 1964 in Gotland, Sweden was the muse for this archived collection. The exhibition features Jorn’s approach, by studying the photographic contact sheets from his Gotland journey in 1964. With the concept of comparative vandalism as his point of departure, Jorn attempted to renegotiate art history and artistic practices. 

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Who: Anna Rún Tryggvadóttir

Where: Reykjavik Art Museum

What: Anna’s Garden exhibit explores her altered view of the pretenses of the communal garden of human thought. Her view takes on unexpected forms as she brings in different materials to find their own course within the borders of the exhibition.

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