Products & Services Jul 24, 2019

Icelandair Introduces Biodegradable Cutlery To All Flights!

The airline is reaffirming its commitment to being an eco-friendly leader in the transportation industry.

In an ongoing campaign to become more environmentally-friendly, Icelandair is introducing a new line of in-flight biodegradable cutlery! Iceland’s largest airline has partnered with Kaelis, a leading provider of onboard products, services, and solutions, to provide new eco-friendly cutlery and packaging sets on flights. The initiative will go into effect on all flights within the next few months, ahead of the European ban on single-use plastics by 2021. 

The cutlery and packaging are made of cornstarch, which produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions than plastics. Icelandair also states that the cornstarch cutlery does not increase carbon dioxide when broken down, nor does it produce toxic fumes if burned. The airline also guarantees that none of these products will end up in landfills, furthering their dedication to helping the environment.

In terms of how this will affect Icelandair’s in-flight meals, the airline has noted that the products are suitable for both hot and cold meals! The new biodegradable cutlery line is just another important addition to the many environmental policies Icelandair is putting in place.

Have you flown Icelandair recently and noticed its eco-friendly practices? Comment below or let us know by tweeting us!

