Business & Government Oct 28, 2013

Iceland Ranked Best Country In The World For Women

For the 5th year in a row, Iceland rated countrywith the world's smallest gender gap.

The World Economic Forum rated Iceland the country with the world’s smallest gender gap in 2013.


With an overall score of 0.873, where 0.00  = inequality and 1.00 = equality, Iceland came in first place out of 136 countries. This marks the fifth year in a row that Iceland has been ranked #1 in the Gender Gap Index.  

According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2013, Iceland offers women the most equal access to education and healthcare and is the country where women are most likely to be able to participate fully in the country’s political and economic life. 

Iceland has closed over 87% of its gender gap and joins the rest of the Nordic countries in the Top 10. Altogether, Europe has seven countries in the Top 10: Iceland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Denmark and Switzerland.  The United States was ranked 23rd out of 136 countries.

Click here to learn more about the Global Gender Gap Index.

