Products & Services Dec 01, 2016

Iceland Naturally’s Facebook Community Now Half a Million Strong!

Thank you to our wonderful community of 500,000 Iceland enthusiasts!

It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the fact that Iceland Naturally’s Facebook community was equal to Iceland’s population of 329,100, but today our Facebook community is more than a half a million strong! Thank you to all our fans for making our Facebook page a fantastic place where everyone can share their love of all things Icelandic. If you haven’t already ‘Liked’ our page, what are you waiting for?! Click here to see Iceland Naturally’s Facebook page.

We’d also like to say takk fyrir and thank you to the nearly 3,000 people who shared the below Facebook post and helped us reach this incredible milestone. One lucky winner who shared the post will receive an Icelandic prize pack!

What’s more? More than 40,000 people now follow our Instagram account and nearly 30,000 follow @IcelandNatural on Twitter!

Takk fyrir 500,000 times. Keep sharing the Icelandic love! 

