Aug 16, 2016

How Do I Write for Iceland Naturally?

How to write guest posts for Iceland Naturally.

Calling all Iceland enthusiasts! Do you have a great story, blog post, poem, or other creative work about Iceland that you would like to share with our readers? Now you can! We’re actively seeking guest bloggers to contribute to our site. Here are the details:

How Do I Write a Guest Post For Iceland Naturally?

  1.   Write awesome Iceland-inspired content! We ask that you keep the title under 70 characters (with spaces) and the body under 600 words.

  2.   Include an appropriate, hi-res related photo. If a photo credit or caption is required, be sure to include that, too. Feel free to send along additional photos or videos to be included with the post.

  3.   Let us know who we should attribute the story to (i.e. story written by John Smith).

  4.   Include any social media handles you’d like us to tag when we’re sharing.

  5.   Email your story to iceland [at] bigfishpr [dot] com.

  6.   If your story is published, we’ll reply to you with a link to the piece on our site.

We can’t wait to read your stories. Happy writing!

Complete Details & Requirements

