Music & Art Jun 01, 2012

First-Ever Tour Inside an Icelandic Volcano

Experience a magnificent tour exploring a volcano from the inside. The tour takes you literally inside a dormant volcano, through the top crater and to the bottom of its magma chamber – once filled with steaming hot lava.

Described as a “wonderland for photographers,” the volcano tour takes adventure-seekers into the depths of a national phenomenon rarely seen by humans. A 40-minute hike takes you to the crater of the volcano, followed by a 120 meter descent to the bottom of the crater in an open cable lift. Thrihnukagigur Volcano has not erupted for 4,000 years and shows no signs of coming to live again anytime soon, so visitors will be safe. 

Please note that this tour will be available only from June 15th until end of August this summer – and probably never again in the unique form that it will be offered this summer. 

To book a 4-day, 3-night tour through Iceland Tours, click here.  
To learn more about the tour through 3H travel, click here.

