Nature & Environment Products & Services May 25, 2017

Experience Iceland’s Best Sights On This Driving Vacation From Icelandair!

Visit Iceland’s largest cities and small villages on this 11-day adventure!

Icelandair is bringing customers a chance to experience Iceland both in the air and on the road. The “Around Iceland” Driving Vacation, available through September 29, 2017, will take travelers on an exciting 11-day excursion to some of the most iconic sights in Iceland (and a few hidden gems, as well!).   

The tour will kick off in Hveragerdi, otherwise known as the “flower village” because of its many greenhouses heated by hot water from nearby springs. Hveragerdi is one of the few sites in the world located directly on top of a geothermal area.

Travelers will experience a mix of small towns and larger cities, from Akureyri, with rich folklore tradition, to Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, all while encountering waterfalls, lava formations, botanical gardens, and more along the way.

To make the tour as easy as possible, travelers will receive an internet-connected tablet with a new self-drive app when they pick up their vehicle. This app allows users to see their trip mapped out day by day and browse thousands of points of interests as they go. It is also equipped with a GPS road guide that will take drivers right to their hotel after a day of exploring.

Visit Icelandair’s website to view the full itinerary and find out what each day has in store!   

Are you interested in an Icelandic road trip? Let us know in the comments below! And to stay up to date on all things Iceland, follow us on twitter @IcelandNatural!

