Food & Drink Apr 17, 2013

Exciting Activities Kick Off the Start of Summer in Iceland

With the official start to summer beginning on April 25th, there are plenty of fun activities and events for Icelanders and visitors alike to look forward to. Ranging from musical festivals to stunning art exhibits, the upcoming summer in Iceland offers a little something for everyone:

Reykjavik Music Mess
May 24, 2013 – May 26, 2013

Reykjavík Music Mess is an independent music festival in downtown Reykjavík that will be held at the Volta and Kex Hostel. It will feature a variety of bands from Iceland, Finland, Denmark and the United Kingdom such as Bloodgroup, Boogie Trouble, DZ Deathrays, Withered Hand and more. Click here to purchase tickets.

Reykjavik Art Festival
May 17, 2013 – June 2, 2013

Established in 1970, the Reykjavik Art Festival is Iceland’s premier cultural festival, bringing together the best in local and international theatre, dance, music and visual art. The program offers curated exhibits, concerts, dance, theatre and opera performances. Along with its focus on Icelandic culture, the festival hosts many outstanding international artists and performers. Click here to purchase tickets.

Zoom Out Salon Exhibit at Rekjavik Art Museum
May 20, 2013 – June 2, 2013

Zoom Out is the largest visual art exhibit to be held in Iceland and it will open at the Reykjavik Art Museum. The exhibit is presented as part of the celebration for the 40th year anniversary of the museum and will give visitors a rare opportunity to see the Reykjavik Art Museum’s vast collection of Icelandic art. The exhibit hall will be in state of a perpetual flux, as art handlers constantly install new works and remove others, even as visitors roam through the gallery space. Admission to the museum for adults is 1.200 ISK and is free for children 18 and younger.

Wagner Favorites – Iceland Symphony Orchestra
June 6, 2013

This year marks the bicentennial of Richard Wagner’s birth and represents a perfect opportunity to hold a Wagner celebration. The program for this concert includes overtures and arias from Wagner operas. Bjarni Thor Kristinsson, who will be performing the Wagner songs, has performed on the operatic stage abroad for a number of years, often appearing in works by Mozart, Strauss and of course, Wagner. Click here to purchase tickets.

An Attempt to Harness the Light
Ongoing until May 12, 2013

Held at the Hafnarfjordur Centre of Culture and Fine Art, An Attempt to Harness the Light looks at selected imagery created by Icelanders practicing New Age theory and healing, alongside the works of professional, contemporary artists who are also influenced by spiritualism. The imagery of healers, which represents auras and the body’s energy centers, are displayed in conjunction with other artists’ work that interacts with colors, forms and patterns related to sacred geometry, mandalas and other spiritual subjects. The exhibit acknowledges a current revival of spiritual tendencies in contemporary art and aims to explore New Age imagery through art history. Admission to the museum is free.

Click here for more information on how to book a summer trip to Iceland!

