Food & Drink May 28, 2019

Eat Like An Icelander With These Hearty Recipes!

Experience the flavor of Iceland right from your home with these tasty meals.

Icelanders are among the healthiest, happiest and longest-living people on the planet, largely due to their pure, natural diet. Iceland is known for producing some of the freshest, most delicious seafood, caught using some of the most sustainable practices in the world. And while Icelandic food may seem exotic and difficult to replicate in your own kitchen, Icelandic Group is bringing you four authentic recipes from renowned Icelandic chef Hafliði Halldórsson to try from the comfort of your own home! Check out the videos, learn a bit about Icelandic culture, and get ready to dine like a true Icelander:

# 1 Seafood Soup


1 liter shellfish stock (can be found in most supermarkets)
60 gr butter
60 gr flour
200 ml heavy cream
50 gr Icelandic salmon, diced
50 gr wolf fish, diced
50 gr monkfish, diced

Directions: Melt the butter in a pan and mix in the flour until fully mixed and has formed a smooth texture; whisk in the cold shellfish stock and bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Boil for 30 min and add the heavy cream and season to taste. Add the fish and leave in the soup for 1-2 minutes before serving.


# 2 Icelandic Fish in a Pan

5-6 pcs spring onions
8 langoustine tails, peeled
100 ml Rapeseed oil
150 gr butter
150 gr Icelandic wolf fish
150 gr Icelandic monkfish
150 gr Icelandic cod
150 gr baby potatoes skin on, cooked
10 pcs cherry tomatoes
½ green apple, roughly diced
Few sprigs of fresh dill, chopped
A few lemon wedges

Directions: Fry the spring onions in rapeseed oil for 1 min each side and put aside. Fry the langoustine tails for 1 min each side and put aside. Fry all three types of fish in the pan for 3-4 minutes, add the cooked potatoes, butter and cherry tomatoes. Cook for 1-2 minutes while mixing diced apple and dill. Add the apple-dill salad and lemon wedges and serve immediately.


# 3 Icelandic “Skonsa”

½ Skonsa (white flatbread)
2 tbsp Horseradish sauce
100 gr smoked Icelandic trout
1 tbsp pickled onion
2 tbsp rout roe
Juice from ¼ of a lemon
A few sprigs of watercress
½ tbsp grated fresh horseradish

Directions: Spread some horseradish sauce on top of the bread, slice the trout and place on the bread. Add the pickled onion, trout roe and lemon juice. Finish off by adding some watercress and freshly grated horseradish.

Horseradish sauce

100 ml mayonnaise
50 ml Créme fraiche
1 tbsp grated horseradish
Juice from ¼ of a lemon

Directions: Mix all ingredients in a bowl and season to taste.

Pickled onion

50 ml red wine vinegar
50 ml water
50 gr caster sugar
½ red onion, thinly sliced

Directions: Slice the onion and put in a small bowl. Mix the vinegar, water and caster sugar in a pan, bring to a boil and pour the boiling liquid over the onion. Let rest for at least 30 min before serving.


# 4 Nordic Taco

150 gr Icelandic cod fillet
50 ml Rapeseed oil
3 pcs Icelandic rye flatbread
Skyr sauce
3  tbsp pickled fennel
6 Pickled pearl onions
A handful of various sprouts
A handful of cress
Grated zest of ½ a lemon

Directions: Fry the cod for 2 min each side and put aside. Spread some skyr sauce on the flatbread, add the pickled fennel and cod. Place the pickled pearl onion, sprouts and cress on top.  Finish with grating lemon zest on top of each taco and serve.

Icelandic skyr sauce

100 ml skyr
1 tbsp lemon juice
Zest of ¼ lemon

Directions: Mix into a bowl the skyr, lemon juice and zest in and season to taste. Add 2 tbsp dill oil to the sauce just before service.


100 ml rapeseed oil
100 gr fresh dill

Directions: Put the oil and dill into a blender, mix a few minutes (until warm), strain through a cloth. The result should be a dark green and flavorful oil.

Pickled fennel & pickled pearl onion

100 ml apple vinegar
100 ml water
100 gr caster sugar
½ fennel bulb, thinly sliced
6 pearl onions

Directions: Peel the pearl onions and blanch for 1 minute in boiling water, strain and put aside in a small bowl. Slice the fennel as thin as possible and put aside into a small bowl. In a pan mix the vinegar, water and caster sugar and bring to a boil. Divide the liquid into the bowls and leave to rest for at least 30 minutes before serving.


Which of these dishes sounds tempting to you? Let us know in the comments below! And if you tried one of the recipes, tweet us a picture at @IcelandNatural!

