News Jul 29, 2020

Canadian Passport Holders Can Now Travel to Iceland!

After implementing travel restrictions and safe distancing measures, Iceland is now open to more travelers.

Following months of strict travel restrictions and social distancing measures in order to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, Iceland has been successful at reducing infection rates. As a result, they have gradually lifted restrictions for travelers from countries that have also been resilient. As of July 15th, Canadian passport holders can now travel to Iceland!

Travelers from Canada and other countries must comply with entry requirements, including choosing between undergoing a COVID-19 test upon arrival or entering a two-week quarantine at the beginning of their trip. A full list of requirements can be found on the Directorate of Immigration website

Icelandair is thrilled to be connecting people again and looks forward to welcoming visitors back when they feel ready! 

For more updates on the reopening of Iceland, be sure to follow Icelandair on Twitter!

