Nature & Environment News Apr 18, 2019

Adopt a Puffin with Help from Reyka Vodka!

Reyka Vodka has partnered with the National Audubon to save the puffins with their Adopt-A-Puffin campaign!

Icelanders have a close relationship with their land and its natural elements. Reyka Vodka, Iceland’s favorite vodka, has immense pride and love for their country, which inspired them to partner with The National Audubon Society to raise awareness of the native puffin’s risk of extinction. Iceland is home to the largest colony of puffins, but due to recent climate change and overhunting, the seabird is now considered endangered. The National Audubon Society started Project Puffin to support their protection worldwide, and is now partnering with Reyka Vodka to launch the Adopt-A-Puffin campaign in order to further educate the public on this issue.

To get involved, interested participants can “Adopt-A-Puffin” or buy themed t-shirts, pins, and hats. The Adopt-A-Puffin program extends through the summer until early fall 2019. Participants can choose between four levels of puffin adoption:

  1. Bird Buddy” includes a downloadable file of the puffin to share ($1 donation)
  2. Feathered Friend” includes a downloadable file of the puffin and a pin ($10 donation)
  3. Avian Angel” includes a downloadable file of the puffin, a pin and a T-shirt ($25 donation)
  4. Puffin Daddy” includes a downloadable file of the puffin, a pin, 2 T-shirts and a hat ($50 donation)

“Since Reyka Vodka is made of Iceland, and puffins are an integral part of Icelandic culture, it’s important for us as a brand to help puffins in any way we can,” said Trevor Schneider, Brand Ambassador for Reyka Vodka. “Our Adopt-A-Puffin initiative will further prevent extinction of these beautiful seabirds while allowing Reyka Vodka drinkers to make a difference and become puffin parents.”

To learn more about Reyka Vodka or the Adopt-A-Puffin program, please visit

Do you have what it takes to become a puffin’s parents? Let us know in the comments below or by tweeting us @IcelandNatural!

