In North America Nov 11, 2020

Tune Into the Virtual Nordic Series 2020 Panel Discussion on November 11th

Join Nordic leaders for a virtual conversation about sustainable development.

On November 11th, the Nordic Chambers of Commerce will host a virtual panel discussion on how the Nordic response to the COVID-19 pandemic can push forward the United Nations’ (UN) Decade of Action plan. The panelists include five permanent Nordic representatives to the UN and five representatives from Nordic corporations. Featured on the panel are Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson, Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations and Arni Oddur Thordarson, CEO of Icelandic company Marel, and Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir, Managing Director, Festa – Center For Sustainability in Iceland. 

In 2015, the UN shared a vision to end poverty, rescue the planet and build a peaceful world, as laid out in their Sustainable Development Goals. With only 10 more years to deliver on their 2030 promise, the UN is calling on governments, civil society, businesses, and all people to accelerate their efforts and make strides toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. 

As a response to the pandemic, the Nordics have created the “Build Back Better and Greener” plan that recognizes the pivotal role of the private sector and the potential in private-public-partnerships in achieving common goals. The panel will discuss this plan as well as other strides towards sustainable development and the Decade of Action plan.  

Register here and tune into this panel discussion on November 11th from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m ET. Be sure to join the conversation on Twitter!

