In North America Dec 03, 2019

Olaf Olafsson Launches New Novel, “The Sacrament”

Join Olafsson for a launch party in New York, December 3!

Icelandic author, Olaf Olafsson, will be launching his latest book, The Sacrament, on December 3 at Shakespeare & Co.’s book cellar in New York from 6:30pm to 8:00pm ET. 

Olaf Olafsson was born in Reykjavik, Iceland and studied physics at Brandeis University. He is the recipient of the O. Henry Award and the Icelandic Literary Award. His sixth novel, The Sacrament, follows the story of a nun whose past returns to her in unexpected ways as she investigates a mysterious death and a series of harrowing abuse claims. Olafsson has previously written The Journey Home, Absolution, Walking into the Night, Restoration, and One Station Away.

For this launch, Olafsson will be joined by New York Times writer at large Sarah Lyall for a Q&A session and book signing. Space is limited and is first come first serve. You can find more information and register for the free event here. Priority will be given to those who pre-order a copy of the book from Shakespeare & Co. at 212 772 3400 or here.

Have you read a novel by Olaf Olafsson? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter!

Olaf Olafssons New Novel, The Sacrament, Icelandic Literature

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