In Iceland Feb 07–May 03, 2020

“Humans do not rule this land” on Display at The Reykjavík Museum of Photography.

Zuzanna Szarek's new photo exhibit will be on display from February 7 - May 3.

Zuzanna Szarek’s new photo exhibition, “Humans do not rule this land” opened at the Reykjavík Museum of Photography on February 7 and will be on display through May 3, 2020.

About “Humans do not rule this land”

Travelling through the empty space we move in slow motion. The monumental landscape scales us in a way that even if we move abruptly we look as though we just woke up from the deepest dream. Time passage is inscribed within the accretions of lava, the never-ending deluge of water and decay of man-made structures scattered throughout the land. The nature that surrounds us is changing rapidly, unpredictably and beyond anyone’s control. From time to time there is a house or a car looking like an abandoned toy. A road sign warns about stones lurking on the steep slopes. Finally, in the middle of nowhere, a spill of concrete next to a piece of a metal bridge which was destroyed during the flood a few years back. Humans do not rule this land. Raindrops ferociously hit the rooftop, and the wind swings the metal tin. It’s dark outside. We stop for the night.

In 2016 Zuzanna Szarek started to work on “Humans do not rule this land” series. During her trips around the island using popular rout, no 1 instead of photographing amusing attractions artist focused on subtle changes of the environment and human influence on the meditative landscape. It is a document of an era in which it is still possible to find places unspoiled by the violent interference of industrial progress. Where nature rules.

