Jan 31, 2018

Highlights From Iceland’s Winter Lights Festival 2018!

From February 1 - 4, Iceland celebrated the winter world and the growing periods of sunlight with light installations, music and other festivities!

Each year, Icelanders gather in Reykjavik to celebrate both the winter world and the growing periods of sunlight that come after a darker winter season. The celebration, known as the Winter Lights Festival, consists of light installations, culture and outdoor activities.

The festival kicked off with the light installation called Life in the undergrowth by artists Valdimar Jóhannsson, Erna Ómarsdóttir, Pierre Alain Giraud and the Icelandic Dance Company, accompanied by music from renowned composer Sigur Rós. The installation was projected on huge oil tanks in front of Marshall House Grandi, a 1,800 square meter art-house.  

The days that followed featured participation from all sorts of industries within Reykjavik, including all major museums and thermal pools. In fact, the second and most popular night of the festival was Museum Night. On this evening, museums across the capital opened their doors and entertained their guests with activities such as dance, theater, lectures, live music, film, literature readings and much more (all free of charge!). Check out a full list of museums that participated here.

Other events included Pool Night, where visitors tried many of the city’s thermal pools for free, as well as fun in-pool activities, music and pool illuminations.

No matter what attendees’ interests were, the Winter Lights Festival thrilled both local and international visitors alike.

You can learn more about this uniquely Icelandic tradition here. And to stay up-to-date on all things Iceland, follow us on Twitter at @IcelandNatural!


