
Aug 26, 2019

The Write Stuff At Seattle Public Central Library

Celebrate Iceland’s rich storytelling tradition with a talk by Iceland’s First Lady Eliza Reid at Seattle Public Central Library. In addition to being first lady, Reid is also a Reykjavík-based writer and editor who co-founded the Iceland Writers Retreat. Iceland is one of the most popular destinations for creative minds, and Reid will focus her talk on what makes Iceland so unique and inspirational – both as a home and as a travel destination – for lovers of the written word. After her introduction to Iceland’s literary traditions, Juan Carlos Reyes will lead a Q&A discussion.


7:00-7:05 pm – Welcome / Seattle Public Central Library

7:05-7:30 pm – Eliza Reid, First Lady of Iceland

7:30-8:00 pm – Juan Carlos Reyes in Discussion with Eliza Reid, First Lady of Iceland

8:00-8:05 pm – Summary / Elliot Bay Book Company


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