
Feb 18, 2020

The Write Stuff at Kramerbooks & Afterwords

Celebrate Iceland’s rich storytelling tradition with a talk by Iceland’s First Lady Eliza Reid at Kramerbooks & Afterwords. In addition to being first lady, Reid is also a Reykjavík-based writer and editor who co-founded the Iceland Writers Retreat. Iceland is one of the most popular destinations for creative minds, and Reid will focus her talk on what makes Iceland so unique and inspirational – both as a home and as a travel destination – for lovers of the written word.

Eliza Reid will be joined by  Icelandic female author, Þóra Hjörleifsdóttir. Together they will discuss the literature scene in Iceland and the importance of literature to the Icelandic people. Þóra will read from her newly published books, “Magma.” Following that, Eliza Reid will moderate a discussion with them on their work. 



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