
Mar 28, 2019

Shortfish 2018 Program

Behind Closed Curtains (Påfugl Blant duer)

Director: Hanna Björg Jónsdóttir

Nobody said being a teenager is easy. But is it only in the teens it’s difficult to be true to yourself?


I’ll see you soon (Ég fer bráðum að koma)

Director: Örvar Hafþórsson

A daughter recounts tales of her mother.



Director: Atli Sigurjonsson and Ed Hancox

Rama just wants her guitar back. Tiffany wants something more.



Director: Pantea Kabeh

A young girl walks into an upscale restaurant recuses herself to a bathroom, far away from the judging eyes of the patrons. In there, she gets a taste of the good life she has been dreaming of her entire life.


The Day the Beans ran out

Director: Guðný Rós Þórhallsdóttir

A man lives a comfortable life in the middle of Iceland after the zombie apocalypse. He’s got it all – food, defenses and a homemade friend. But when his food starts going missing, he suspects something fishy is going on.



Director: Brúsi Ólason

Victoria, a strong-willed woman in her 60s, struggles alone to run the dairy farm that has been in her family for generations as things gradually fall apart.


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