
Aug 26, 2019

Nordic Knitting Conference

The Nordic Museum is pleased to present the eighth biennial celebration of Nordic fabric arts. First conceived by volunteers in 2007, this program has grown to draw instructors and participants from all over the world. The 2019 Nordic Knitting Conference will highlight the work of Signe Aarhus, co-founder of Oleana, a family company founded in 1992 with the aim of creating new jobs in Norway’s textile industry. Featured instructors include Norway’s Arne & Carlos, Evelyn Clark, Susanna Hansson, Laura Ricketts, and Jason Allan-Spencer, Flóra Carlile-Kovács, and Iceland’s Ýr Jóhannsdóttir. Pre registration required. For information about pricing and course offerings, please visit our registration page: www.nordicmuseum.org/knitting.  


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