
Aug 26, 2019

KidsRights Panel

Iceland leads the way ranking first in the 2019 KidsRights Index that assesses how countries make efforts to improve the rights of children. This panel features keynote speaker Salvör Nordal, the Ombudsman for Children in Iceland since 2017, whose focus is on children’s participation in decision-making in Iceland. Joining her will be Greg Williamson, the Director of the Office of Youth Engagement for the Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families, Andrea Rogers, the Senior Staff Attorney for Our Children’s Trust, and Annie Blackledge, Executive Director of The Mockingbird Society. More Seattle-based panelists to be announced.


10:50-11:05 am – Keynote from Salvör Nordal

11:05-11:40 am – Panel discussion

11:40am-12:00 pm – Q&A

12:15-1:00 pm – Panelists lunch


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