
Aug 26, 2019

Alison Peters

Alison Peters is a Senior Associate at EnviroIssues, a public involvement and communications firm headquartered in Seattle. She has spent her 20-year career designing research studies and analyzing public opinion trends that emerge from polling and focus groups. At EnviroIssues, she is charged with integrating public perceptions, attitudes and behaviors into the firm’s public involvement projects. She is proud to work for a woman-owned business, where almost 80 percent of all employees are women including all six members of the leadership team. EnviroIssues was honored this year by the International association representing Women in Transportation as Employer of the Year and also by the City of Seattle as a Women Business Enterprise Champion. Both awards reflect the company’s commitment to advancing women’s leadership through mentoring, teaming and providing opportunities for growth in the workplace.

For six years, Alison served on the board of the Center for Women & Democracy where she led two delegations of women from Washington state—to Iceland in 2015 and to Rwanda in 2013. Both delegations were a deep dive into learning more about global challenges and opportunities facing women at work, at home and in their relationships. Alison was raised in Olympia and was active in her community from an early age. Alison attended Santa Clara University as an undergraduate and completed her masters degree in political science at Boston College. As a college student, she was selected to participate in the White House Intern Program under President Clinton. These days, Alison cheers for the Northwest Literacy Foundation as Board President and enjoys her garden and outdoor adventures with her family.



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