
Apr 26, 2016

Helga Valfells

Helga Valfells is the CEO of NSA Ventures. Helga joined NSA Ventures in 2009 as an Investment Manager and was made CEO in 2010. Prior to joining the NSA Ventures, Helga enjoyed a diverse career in finance and international marketing. Previous employers include Íslandsbanki, Estee Lauder UK, Merill Lynch and the Trade Council of Iceland. Helga has also worked as an advisor to the Minister of Trade and Industry and has participated in founding 3 startups. Helga is chairman of the board of Frumtak and sits son the boards of Infomentor, Andera Maack Parfumes, Dohop and Icelandic Start – ups on behalf of NSA Ventures. She is an indipendent board member of Íslandsbanki and the International School in Iceland. Helga holds an AB degree from Harvard and an MBA from London Business School.
