
Feb 24, 2016

Dave Herrero and Jimmy Burns

Sharing the stage for the final set at Reykjavik Calling, deeply-rooted Chicago musicians Dave Herrero & Jimmy Burns will perform together. Living by the guiding principle that music is in his blood, Dave Herrero’s sound is one which seamlessly blends psychedelia, blues, rock n’ roll, and  singer songwriter music. After producing his own award-winning albums to start his career, Herrero started TrackForce Productions, and began making music for Harpo Productions. During this set, Herrero will be teaming up with singer, guitarist, and songwriter Jimmy Burns to bring an authentically Chicago sound to the Reykjavik Calling concert. Burns is a contemporary bluesman who combines his Delta roots with R&B and soul to come up with a sound uniquely his own. Burns is a charismatic performer with an expressive, soulful, voice and a melodic guitar style to match.

Dave HerreroJimmy Burns
