
Oct 27, 2015

Icelandic Film Festival at The Royal Cinema

We Are Weather 
dir. Maria Kjartansdóttir
5 mins (short film)
There is nothing more amazing than the magic of nature. To visit the charming places that scare us and to do the things that take us out of our comfort zone. To be somewhere, in the middle of nowhere,  where there is nothing to relate to and still feel we belong.

We are Weather

In A Heartbeat 
dir. Karolina Lewicka 
8 mins (short film)
A nine year old girl finds courage.

In a Heartbeat

Kria – A Road Movie  
dir. Dogg Mosesdottir 
18 mins (short film)
A super 8mm road movie that takes place in Wild West of Iceland. A draculesque gypsy, driving a Russian van, picks up a teenage girl called Kria hitch hiking in the lava fields. They have nothing in common except their need for a place to call home. Kria is the femme fatal of the migratory bird, beautiful but strikes with violence if threatened. First impressions are often deceiving.


Women in Red Stockings 
dir. Halla Kristín Einarsdóttir 
60 mins (documentary)
The Red Stockings’ fight for equality, the right of women owning their own body and their freedom to be humans – not products had just begun. They were called ugly, masculine, hairy and sexless. They were daubed man haters, communists and female chauvinists – but what is their story? Sixteen Icelandic red stockings tell the story of one of the most colorful and criticized movements the island has ever seen. Using interviews, archive footage, animation, graphics, theatre and music, it offers a rare account of a tumultuous period told by those who were there.

Women in Red Stockings
