
Sep 27, 2018

Icelandic Menu at Leña

Icelandic chef Fannar Vernharðsson is crossing the Atlantic to join chef Julie Marteleira at Leña in Toronto to create a delicious Icelandic dinner menu as part of this year’s Taste of Iceland festival. The special four day Icelandic take over will feature a delicious four-course prix fixé menu prepared by both chefs. Currently serving as the head chef at Mathus Garðabæjar, Vernharðsson is an accomplished chef who was has served as a member of the Icelandic culinary team from 2011-2018, and placed 5th in the world cup in 2014. 

No meal is complete without a tasty cocktail alongside it! Icelandic mixologist Teitur Ridderman Schiöth will also concoct some unique cocktails featuring Iceland’s favorite vodka, Reyka Vodka, and the one-of-a-kind aquavit, Brennivin, to pair perfectly with your dinner.


Secure your reservation for this special four-night menu by calling Leña at (416) 507-3378 or by reserving a table online at https://www.lenarestaurante.com/contact/.
