
Sep 06, 2018

J. Thomas Ranken

Tom is the President & CEO of the CleanTech Alliance. Under Tom’s leadership, the WCTA’s membership has grown eight-fold to almost 300 companies, research institutions, and organizations in six states and provinces. The CleanTech Alliance focuses on growing the cleantech sector in the greater Northwest region.

Prior, Tom was a Seattle-based entrepreneur and management consultant. Tom co-founded and was CEO of VizX Labs, a bioinformatics company that developed GeneSifter, the first web-based gene expression microarray analysis service now used worldwide by hundreds of labs. Tom also led a team that turned around and doubled the size of Axio Research Corporation following significant losses and was later sold to Solutia. He directed public affairs at the state’s largest biotechnology company, Immunex, and was President of the Washington Biotechnology & Biomedical Association. He spent seven years in banking.

Tom spent fourteen years as a Trustee of Harborview Medical Center including serving as President of the Board. He has served on the Boards of VizX Labs, Axio Research, the Washington Biotechnology & Biomedical Association (Chair), the Technology Alliance, the University Sunrise Rotary Club (President), Council of State Bioscience Associations (Chair), Seattle Mental Health (Chair), Crisis Clinic, and others. An Eagle Scout, Tom spent five years as Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 80 and now serves on the Aurora District Committee as Finance Chair. During his tenure as Scoutmaster, twenty Scouts in Tom’s troop made Eagle including his son.

Tom has an MBA from the University of Washington and a BA in economics from the University of Virginia. His MBA thesis was “U.S. Petroleum Dependence and Energy Alternatives.”

On weekends, he can often be found playing his guitar in his band, the Ranken File, home-brewing beer, or camping with the Boy Scouts.
