
Aug 31, 2018

Icelandic Menu at Cuoco

Icelandic chef Hákon Már Örvarsson will fly to Seattle to collaborate with American chef Ron Anderson to create a delicious Icelandic dinner menu at Cuoco. Together the two chefs will prepare Arctic Char, Salted Cod, Free Range Icelandic Lamb and more! No meal is complete without a tasty cocktail! Icelandic mixologist Teitur Ridderman Schiöth, along with Cuoco’s assistant manager, Nikki Koth, will concoct some unique cocktails featuring Iceland’s favorite vodka, Reyka Vodka, and the one-of-a-kind aquavit, Brennivin, to pair perfectly with your dinner.


Secure your reservation for this special four-night menu by calling Cuoco at 206-971-0710 or reserving a table online at https://www.opentable.com/cuoco-reservations-seattle?restref=61417!
