
Sep 08, 2015

Sonja Peterson

Sonja Peterson has worked at the Dahlia Lounge for 12 years. Currently, she is the assistant manager at the Dahlia Lounge and has been an integral part in creating special cocktails for the Dahlia Lounge since 2010.

Sonja loves to have seasonal & unusual ingredients on her bar menus and continuously experiments with new flavor profiles. She creates in-house infused spirits inspired by what she finds in the Dahlia Lounge kitchen, barrel-aged cocktails to soften harsh edges and add layers of flavor, and creates fresh seasonal shrubs with local fruit.

Sonja’s other passion is a life as an artist that’s interested in many mediums – she has created shows of paintings, ceramics, paper sculptures, and ceramic-with-fabric combinations. Her most recent show, “Dancing with Dummies,” at the Hard L Gallery in Seattle, featured deviant life-like porcelain dolls masked in layers of nylon.

Sonja Peterson
