
Aug 04, 2015

Ólöf Björg

Ólöf Björg was born in Reykjavík Iceland 1973 (mother Icelandic and father Norwegian). She is currently working in Iceland.

Art and existential questions have interested her from a young age as well as experimental performances in art and life. She says it deepens her understanding and connection of the Self and to connect to the Self. In her own words: “‘The painting’ and ‘to paint’ has been a serious part of my life since I was a teenager, both as a viewer and for the love of the practice itself. I undertake installations and performances often to get another angle on life and art; the need to paint is for me like the need to show love – the respond is like a silent feedback. I re-connect to the medium and re-visit the spiritual aspect of it. It gives me the opportunity to submerge myself into this spiritual zone. Breathing in the energy of my labor with nothing in the way to feel the purest form of a divine connection. Switch places and listen closely as a dedicated servant to the whisper of the flow of colors and forms emerging and growing on the canvas. Opening up to an art object or character that has this kind of affect on us, our inner world opens. I think in deepening my understanding of the Self I connect better to life, art & love.”
