Food & Drink Jan 28, 2014

Variety Reviews “Land Ho!”

Praise for the independent film shot in Iceland.

Iceland’s beautiful, versatile landscape and recent tax incentives have made the country a Hollywood hotspot in recent months. The independent film “Land Ho!” was filmed in Iceland and showed at Sundance this year. Sony Classics acquired worldwide rights to the film and Variety’s review of “Land Ho!” states that it has “potential to travel wide and far.”

The comedy follows two old friends reuniting for a spontaneous vacation to Iceland, where they spend some time in Reykjavik before traveling through the scenic countryside. Variety makes note of the “staggeringly beautiful outdoor vistas” in its review of the film.

When asked “Why Iceland?”,  filmmaker Martha Stephens said that while she was planning a vacation she “fell in love” with Iceland and “thought it would be fun to make a film where Iceland is actually Iceland, as opposed to somewhere in outer space,” as it’s typically depicted in big-budget films.

Click here to read Variety’s full review.

Plus, check out BuzzFeed’s long-form article on Land Ho! – “A Week With The Unlikely Breakout Stars Of This Year’s Sundance Underdog.”

