Food & Drink Dec 17, 2019

Take Your Kids For Some Delicious Ice Cream In Reykjavik

Guest post by Jenny Holt

You may not instantly associate Reykjavik with eating cold desserts, but the country actually has some of the best ice cream in the world! If you have ever traveled with a young family, you’ll know that it requires a fine balance between sightseeing and refueling. When you are in the capital, why not visit some of the fun ice-cream parlors with your family? You can experience some delicious flavors, textures and toppings, which are all completely unique to Iceland. 

Skúbb Ice Cream 

Skúbb (Laugarásvegur 1, Reykjavík) has a strong ethical policy – they aim to make ice cream with the best quality ingredients that they can source, preferably organic, including the milk they use. They love creating new seasonal options using local ingredients. Kids will be excited to try the different combinations of flavors like the Bad Brownie, which is definitely not bad, and goes extremely well with raspberry topping. Salted caramel is also creamy and delicious on top! There is a huge selection of toppings for every taste bud. All the packaging at Skúbb is eco-friendly, and they use recycled materials wherever possible. 

Ísbúð Huppu

Children will instantly be drawn to Huppu (112 Reykjavík) by the Happy Cow logo, and a happy place it is, too. It’s the perfect pit-stop to refuel the kids with shakes and ice-cream (the soft serve vanilla with a choice of toppings is particularly popular with the little ones). For the grown ups, try the Pipar Karamellu, a creamy Icelandic caramel with dark chocolate chips. Bragdaref and Tasty Fox are two other unique Icelandic treats that you’ll have to try if you want to understand their ice-creamy glory. 

Valdis Ice Cream

Located near the Reykjavik Maritime Museum, Valdis (Grandagarður, 101 Reykjavík) is a joy for kids and grown ups alike. Cherry sorbet, Christmas Chocolate Orange, Pecan Butter and Mint Chocolate Chip are favorites. You could also try some of the more peculiar flavors, such as Hockey Pulvar, Salted Licorice, Turkish Pepper or even Beer & Salty Pretzels. There is no limit to the imagination when it comes to the seasonal flavors that are on offer. Go on, be adventurous!

A quick Note on Allergies

If you have children with food intolerances or allergies, make sure you speak to the restaurant staff before ordering. They will then be able to tell you exactly what the ingredients are, so that you’re sure you’re ordering the correct treat. Even if you’re dairy intolerant, there are plenty of alternatives to dairy ice cream, from tangy, frosty sorbets flavored with syrups and berries, to smooth gelatos made from almond milk. You will be surprised by the diverse menu options offered as an alternative to ordinary milk and cream. 

Every family trip to Reykjavik should be punctuated by stops for some delicious ice cream. You can try some local flavors that you would never find elsewhere in the whole world, and the kids will be raving about them for days to come.

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