Music & Art Aug 27, 2020

Take a Virtual Tour of the Laxness Museum at Gljúfrasteinn!

You can now explore Halldór Laxness’, Nobel Laureate in Literature, art collection, poetry, and more online!

Are you looking to experience Icelandic culture and history from the comfort of your home? Take a free virtual tour of Gljúfrasteinn, the home and workplace of the 1955 Nobel Laureate in Literature, Halldór Laxness

The house has been a public museum since 2004, and a virtual tour was created this spring following restrictions presented by COVID-19. Through the virtual tour, visitors can explore the different rooms, explore Laxness’ art collection, and hear the Hamrahlíð choir singing Hjá lygnri móðu, one of Laxness’ poems. 

Throughout his writing career from 1919 to 1987, Halldór Laxness was prominent not only in Iceland, but also throughout Europe. In those 68 years, he produced 62 books that each reflected the cultural, political, and intellectual movements that transformed the world during this time. 

Gljúfrasteinn was built in 1945 and has remained mostly unchanged since Laxness and his family occupied the home. The house is a 20-minute drive from Reykjavík and was designed by Icelandic architect, Ágúst Pállson. The inside is filled with paintings by Icelandic artists who were friends of the family, including Kjarval, Svavar Guðnason, Nína Tryggvadóttir, Louisa Matthíasdóttir, and more. The warm walls, strong light, and intricate decor will allow visitors to experience history firsthand and envision the crowded concerts and dinner parties that once occupied Gljúfrasteinn.

For more information about Halldór Laxness and the virtual tour, follow Gljúfrasteinn on Twitter!

