Products & Services Mar 24, 2017

Sustainable, Luxury Hotel Coming to Blue Lagoon!

Book a private stay at one of the 25 wonders of the world.

With floor-to-ceiling windows, balconies overlooking a volcanic horizon and private access to the thermal waters of the Blue Lagoon, the Lava Cove and Moss Hotel promises to offer some of the most luxurious experiences in Iceland. True to the environmentally-conscious spirit of the country, the new accommodations are as sustainable as they are extravagant, featuring clean geothermal energy powering the expansive complex.

Located in the middle of a lava field on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Blue Lagoon is a man-made geothermal spa that attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists annually. This new luxury hotel offers visitors a more intimate experience to enjoy the beauty of the lagoon from the privacy of their own room. The hotel is a 62-room accommodation, part of a broader complex including the Lava Lagoon, a private extension of the Blue Lagoon; the Lava Cove, a subterranean spa; and the Moss Restaurant, a restaurant specializing in local cuisine.

With Iceland emerging as one of the most coveted travel destinations in the world, the hotel, set to open in the fall of 2017, will be a much-welcomed addition to the travel accommodation options of the island. Click here for more information about these luxurious new experiences at the Blue Lagoon. And for more information on all things Iceland, follow us on twitter at @IcelandNatural!

